cofes_vis - Visualization routines

vdrp.cofes_vis.cofes_4x4_plots(prefix='', outfile_name='CoFeS_plots.png', vmin=-15, vmax=25, logging=None)[source]

dir is a string containing the directory with the CoFeS files you wish to plot. If its the local directory you can leave it as an empty string

outfile_name is a string with the output file name. This will be placed in the dir directory

the ifu order is 073 083 093 103 074 084 094 104 075 085 095 105 076 086 096 106

vdrp.cofes_vis.cofes_plots(ifunums, filename_array, outfile_name, vmin=-15, vmax=25, logging=None)[source]

filename_array is an array-like object that contains the filenames of fits files to plot. The output plot will be the shape of the input array.

outfile is the output file name including the extension, such as out.fits.

vmin and vmax set the stretch for the images. They are in units of counts; Pixels with vmin and below counts are black. Pixels with vmax and above counts are white.
