star_extraction - Stellar Extraction routines

Star Extraction routine. Equivalent of rsp1 script.

Extract star at a given RA/DEC using all shots overlapping with these coordinates.

Contains python translation of Karl Gebhardt

vdrp.star_extraction.apply_factor_spline(factor, wdir)[source]

Equivalent of the rawksp[12] scripts

Apply the factor to the splines.out file. The factor is the number of individual shots the star was observed in.

factor : int

The factor to apply.

wdir : str

Name of the work directory

vdrp.star_extraction.average_spectra(specfiles, starobs, wl, wlrange, wdir)[source]

Average all observed spectra and fill in the corresponding entries in the StarObservation class.

This corresponds to the ravgsp0 script

specfiles : list

List of spectrum filenames.

starobs : list

List with StarObservation objects.

wl : float

Central wavelength for the averaging.

wlrange : float

Half width of the wavelength range for averaging.

vdrp.star_extraction.average_spectrum(spec, wlmin, wlmax)[source]

Corresponds to ravgsp0 script. Calculate the average of the spectrum in the range [wlmin, wlmax]

spec : Spectrum

Spectrum class object

wlmin : float

Minimum wavelength of range to average.

wlmax : float

Maximum wavelength of range to average.

average, normaliztaion and uncertainty, equivalent to the spavg*.dat files.
vdrp.star_extraction.copy_stardata(starname, starid, wdir)[source]

Copies the result files from workdir results_dir as done by rspstar.

starname : str

Star name to copy over.

starid : int

Star ID to use for the final filename.

results_dir : str

Final directory for results.


Equivalent of the rsp1a2b script.

Run the stellar extraction code for a given ra / dec position.

args : struct

The arguments structure


Add command line arguments for the photometry routines, this function can be called from another tool.

parser : argparse.ArgumentParser
vdrp.star_extraction.main(jobnum, args)[source]

Main function.


Parses configuration file and command line arguments. Command line arguments overwrite configuration file settiongs which in turn overwrite default values.

args (argparse.Namespace): Return the populated namespace.
vdrp.star_extraction.run_fit2d(ra, dec, starobs, seeing, outname, wdir)[source]

Prepare input files for running fit2d, and run it.

ra : float

Right Ascension of the star.

dec : float

Declination of the star.

starobs : list

List with StarObservation objects.

seeing : float

Assumed seeing for the observation.

outname : str

Output filename.

vdrp.star_extraction.run_fitem(wl, outname, wdir)[source]

Prepare input file for fitem, and run it.

wl : float


outname : str

Base output filename.

vdrp.star_extraction.run_sumlineserr(specfiles, wdir)[source]

Prepare input and run sumlineserr. It sums a set of spectra, and then bins to 100AA bins. Used for SED fitting.

specfiles : list

List of spectrum filenames.
